SSLF – First Responders
“Medic is the way”
Medics in StarCitizen are a vital part of the experience.
Join our casual dedicated Organisation, SSLF Stanton Security & Logistics Federation today.
Be part of our activities and you can dedicate yourself to the SSLF – First Responders.
Get ready for unforgettable adventures out in space. Check out my youtube channel:
Use my #StarCitizen Referal: STAR-TPQ6-CN6V Become a Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd and get 5,000 free Credits #starcitizen #spacesimulations
There is an unknown amount of Citizens we rescued from Patch 3.18 till 3.22. The list starts in the end of March 2954 and shows our effort as SSLF Medics.
Star Citizen Videos – Medical Rescues
Star Citizen -"MEDIC IS THE WAY" Medical Rescues over the last Weekend of March -
Star Citizen - Rescue attempt player falling on Crusader = Tip: 1 Million #shorts #medicistheway
Star Citizen - Three Rescues - Bounty hunter, SKP gone wild and Ghost Hollow
Star Citizen - Smuggler Rescue with the Cutty Red build "the Lawful"
Star Citizen - 4K - Medical Tutorial - extended & updated version for 3.23 and beyond